Main ingredients in Fat Burners
In this article we will be breaking down a few ingredients that are found in fat burners and explain how each of them work to aid you in your fat loss journey. A short recap, what are Fat burners? Fat burners are supplements that aims to increase the number of calories you burn daily which can result to a reduced body weight over time. Do take note that fats are oxidised, not burnt. Oxidation is the process where the body uses oxygen to convert fat into energy. You can read more here. So what are the ingredients commonly found in fat burners?
- Caffeine - caffeine is a stimulant that can boost your metabolism. It increases your metabolism by transporting fats from its storage in fat cells to the tissues. When fats are transported to the tissues, the fats will be oxidised and be converted into energy. This will increase the Basal metabolic Rate (BMR) - calories burn at rest - and uses the at rest-caffeine to accelerate fat loss.
- Carnitine - also known as L-carnitine, is a non-essential amino acid that is being produced naturally by our body. Carnitine plays a role in fat transportation and oxidation. Thus, increasing carninite levels in our body can lead to increase in the oxidation.
- Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) - an omega-6 fatty acid that can be found in foods such as beef, lamb and dairy products. Consuming CLA supplements can improve muscle to fat ratio by enhancing insulin sensitivity. This results in glucose and fatty acids to repel from fat issue and into muscle cells.
- Green Tea / Green Tea Extract - helps in increasing metabolism and fat oxidation. Ingredients in green that aids in fat loss are caffeine and catechins. Catechins are micronutrients that can aid in abdominal fat reduction.