Why you should keep a Training Journal
If you do not have a training/workout journal, you should! A training journal can keep track of your progressions. By taking note of the sets, reps and weights, you are able to reflect on where you can improve in your workouts. Recording your workouts can be highly motivational as it allows you to look back on the progress you made and enables you to set goals for upcoming workouts. Before a workout, have a look at the journal. This can lead to more realistic targets for the day which will ultimately aid you to gain muscles efficiently and safely (Click here to see if you are ego-lifting). Self-criticism also can be a tool for motivation to do better for the next workout.
What should be in your workout journal?
- The amount of Sets and Reps you do
- The amount of Weight you carry
- How well your form is
- Things to improve for the next workout
A normal notebook would be fine as long as it does not tear and get worn out too easily. Firstly, record the target amount of sets and reps that you want to do, followed by the amount of weight you are carrying. Write out what you expect to do for the day. This may be tedious at the start as there are no previous days to look back on for self-improvement. However, along the way with the momentum of consistent workout, journalling your workouts will become a habit.
You should also take note of what you are struggling with. When working out each day, you may struggle to keep your form perfect. So, write it down and figure out what is the causing the wrong form. The above template is an example that you can follow if you do not know where to begin. You can customise and add more details for a better workout if need be.