Sleep for Gainz

Sleep for Gainz


Sleep is crucial for building muscles and is often neglected. Lack of sleep may hinder your muscles growth and recovery. Which is why it is vital to get at least 8-10 hours of sleep every night to maximize muscles growth and strength.


During sleep, our body repairs muscles, organs, cells & strengthens our immune system. Sleep deprivation can affect our overall health and increases the risk of muscle mass reduction. The body starts storing extra fats and breaking down muscles.  When you are in deep sleep, human growth hormone are released and protein synthesis happens(sufficient protein intake).


There are four stages of sleep being stimulated during bedtime. These four stages are cycles that will loop throughout sleep. There is lightest sleep, light sleep, deep sleep and REM sleep. The last two stages are the most important as it relaxes and recovers the brain. Majority of individuals who don't have enough REM sleep will be impacted negatively in their muscle gains.


Tips for getting quality bedtime:

Avoid sleeping too much - affects your body clock

Shower with warm water - calms & relaxes

Work out - Sufficient exercise during the day can help you fall asleep faster at night

Refrain from Alcohol, Caffeine & Tyrosine-Rich Foods - these interfere with sleep cycles

Stay away from Sleeping pills - affects your sleep cycles in the long run

Proper Sleeping environment - cool temperature & soothing music

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