Mass Gainer Myths
There are a lot of myths surrounding mass gainers and how to use them efficiently. Here are three of the most common myths and how to bust them.
1. You need to eat a lot of mass gainers to see results.
Mass gainers are dense in calories, and this will help you increase your total calories. However, it's not a good idea to just focus on how many calories you're consuming. Instead, you need to make sure you're eating a wide variety of healthy foods too. This will allow you to get more nutrients into your diet and avoid getting nutrient deficiencies. Try to avoid high-calorie foods with lots of added sugar and fats as well.
2. You need to eat mass gainers 3-4 times a day to see results.
One serving of a mass gainer provides around 400 calories, so you won't need to eat more than one serving per day to see results. For optimal results, try to incorporate some weight training into your workouts as well, as this will help you to burn more calories and build more muscle over time.
3. Eating mass gainers is the only way to gain muscle.
While mass gainers can provide an extra boost to help you get the results you want, they're by no means the only way to gain muscle. There are many other things you can do to help you reach your goals, such as doing weight-training exercises regularly and incorporating a healthy, balanced diet into your lifestyle.
Mass gainers contain a lot of fiber, which digests fat and carbohydrates, and also helps with weight gain and weight loss. Drinking it with water is recommended to help cleanse the body and better absorb the vitamins and minerals that it contains. The average person gains a few pounds when drinking mass gainer shakes for thirty days straight.
With that said, it is important to pair up mass gainers with exercise to gain muscle mass instead of fats. Exercising will help turn the muscles into fat-burning machines instead of carb burners, allowing you to burn excess fat and keep your body healthy in the long run.
Why is gaining weight important?
While a large percentage of people face an obesity problem, there are a number of people who are underweight and find it hard to gain weight.
Gaining weight is important because muscle mass is important because it makes your body look healthier and stronger. It also helps you maintain a healthy weight by increasing your metabolism and decreasing your appetite. It's also important to gain weight when you're working out because it gives you more energy and helps keep you energized during your workout.
Mass gainers are however, not the only way to gain weight. They are not a magical muscle building supplement, they are just an easy source of calories. You can get your calories from real food, like protein shakes, whole eggs, nuts, cheese, etc.